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Part No Items Euros  
3120PA PACK A includes PS304 XL + MINIGEL2 #311000 988
3220PF PACK F includes PS304 XL + MIDIGEL2 #321000 1117
3320PG PACK G includes PS305 XL + MAXIGEL THERMO2 #331000 1784
3420PC PACK C includes PS305 XL + MAXIGEL Eco2 #341000 1530
371600 PACK 96 including MIDIGEL XL + 6 combs 16 wells 1mm #371601 Comp M.C pipettes + Gel tray 15 x 17cm #371517 and Gel tray 15 x 12cm #371512 1122
372696 Pack 96S includes PS304 XL + MIDIGEL XL with 6 x 16 wells 1mm comb #371601 M.C pipettes compatible + Gel tray 15 x 17cm #371517 + Gel tray 15 x 12cm #371512 1595
3760PB PACK B includes PS304 XL + MIDIGEL XL #370000 1265
8100PH PACK H including PS608 + MAXIGEL XXL + 8 x 26 wells 1mm comb + Sample loadig guide + Gel tray 23 x 40cm + Gel tray 23 x 25cm + Gel casting base + accessories 2757

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